What up, world?
How are you today?
Good? Bad? Ugly?
It's funny, you know. When you're used to leading people in worship you start to think that people are just going to answer you when you say things. But then you remember that they'll only speak the words in bold print. With that in mind I'm going to try and think of a way to mass-distribute bold print responses to everything I say. That way I'll always feel important.... hmmm... How am I going to do that?
Well, while I'm working on that, I've created this blog as a simple way of posting my sermons as I write them and possibly speak them. (occasionally I'll have recordings of the preaching of the sermon) I won't have sermons to preach every Sunday because I'm not going to write sermons that I don't have to preach, but I'll post what I do preach. Feel free to post comments/criticisms, I'm no pro and feedback is a great way to get better.
Thanks for reading and being interested.
You're welcome, it is my pleasure.
Ha ha.... jeez I crack myself up....